Sunday, December 9, 2012

Final Reflection!

Yes, time goes by very quickly. However, as Einstein states” time is relative”. Throughout the semester, with lots of assignments and deadlines, I was longing for its end and the holidays and it seemed that the time had stopped and wasn’t moving. However, now it seems like it was yesterday when I wrote my first post as a part of this course assignment. Though, today I am not writing the second one, but the last one.
Every time I use the word “last” I feel sad even when it’s about the assignments. However, in this case I know that it’s just the last post for THIS course, as I am going either to continue using this blog as more personal one or create another one, where I will share my thoughts and ideas not only related to teaching and learning, but also my other interests and worries…
I am really very glad and thankful that I had the chance to take the “New Technologies in TEFL” course because now I feel more informed and updated. Nowadays, it’s difficult to imagine any sphere of our life that doesn’t have anything to do with technologies. And, as I have mentioned several times in my previous posts, technology is developing way fast and we indeed have to be very attentive and cautious so as to be informed, not lack behind, walk by this road along with others and not feel ashamed.
Now, after taking course, I may be surprised to know that someone doesn’t know about Google apps, second life, Digital Media, Blogs and many other technologies yet. However, three months ago I didn’t know much about them myself!
I have indeed learnt many new things. I am not sure whether I will implement all of them in my classes in future however I am sure that I will try to implement more than the half of what I have learnt. And I have already started using myself many of those “new technologies” that this course has introduced to me. The whole course has influenced on the way I live and think now. The articles we read, the in hand practice that we did on each technology we covered influenced my daily routine greatly.
Now, when I open my notebook, besides going to iGoogle, I also go to my Google calendar, I search for new and interesting links, get informed via RSS feeds, think of creating a personal blog and think more creatively, I hope. I would prefer having this course again, but not to learn the same things once more but to learn more technologies, as I believe there are lots of other opportunities that nowadays technology provides us with, however, we, at least I, may not be aware of.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Google Apps and Cloud Technologies


Google has become my best friend during the previous 3-4 years. Every day I wake up, open my computer, press on the home button key and my best friend appears in front of me- iGoogle.
Google has made our life easier, I am not sure whether it’s good or bad because now I don’t overload my memory with different information, as when I want to remember something or learn a new thing, find a definition of a word or whatever it takes me two or so minutes to find it… 
However the amazing thing about Google is not limited to its search engine possibilities it has many apps which make our life even easier. I’ll speak about the ones that I use very often and also the ones that I’ve learnt from this course.
First of all I would like to mention Google scholar. Besides the EBSCO, Eric or Jstor, which are very famous journal article search WebPages, I use Google scholar very often as well. It helps me to find the necessary articles very quickly. The next app that I use quite often is Google map. I use this app whenever I want to find a place in Armenia and around the world as well. It was new for me to learn that this tool can be also used for educational purposes. According to Sarah Ring (2011), the teachers can use Google apps before going to a field trip, or when learning directions in class etc…
Another widely spread Google apps is the Blogger. Blogging has become part of people around the world recently. People from business world, education, engineering, news, fashion, arts, sport, any sphere you can imagine, keep their own blog, where they share their thoughts and ideas. Blogger is also widely implemented for educational purposes. Teachers make this amazing tool part of their syllabus and this way they use it for teaching and learning purposes. I myself started using the blogger as a part of my assignments, however I really want to either create a new one, or continue this one and share my thoughts and ideas other than related to teaching and learning. Because in life there are many situations, problems, funny things and just ideas that you want to share.
I also want to talk about Google docs. I am so happy that I have learnt about this amazing tool and indeed it has already become part of my life. I use it both for my studies and just for sharing information as well. It’s a great place to collaborate with others. The only thing that you need to have is a Google account and internet connection.
The RSS feeds help you to be connected to others’ blogs and be updated about the fields you are interested. Google image search, Google book search enables people to find what they want. Another great app is Google calendar. I wasn’t using this app before but now I have started using it and now I am not afraid to forget any upcoming event, deadline or a meeting.
There are many other apps which Google offers to its’ users and the only thing needed from us is to be informed and take the advantage of having a computer, internet and Google!
However, whatever you do in the internet, whichever page you access or whatever activity you start doing does is not “very private”. Meaning that all you actions, want it or not, is automatically saved somewhere. This somewhere is called “cloud computing”. Without pressing any save buttons all your actions are stored in a place which is not visible. This YouTube clip helped me to spread light the idea of cloud computing, however it wasn’t very clear to me unless one of my classmates brought an example. She said “ it’s like renting a territory to keep your possessions”. It is not like someone else’s computer, and it’s not like that nobody can see your actions. However it’s safe and easy way to keep your files, logs and information which you may need someday. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Learning and Academic analytics


 All my previous posts during this term were about the new technologies applied in the education. The new technology that I am going to introduce can neither be seen nor touched (Long&Siemens,2011), It is the Big data and the analytics.
According to the McKinsey Global Institute big data is a “dataset whose size is beyond the ability of typical database software tools to capture, store, manage and analyze.” The data collected is huge and is indeed “Big”. Big data is valuable for governments, corporations and higher educational institutions.
 The analytics, on the other hand, can be divided into two subcategories: learning analytics and academic analytics. The 1st International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge identified learning analytics as a “measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimizing learning and the environments in which it occurs.” Academic analytics refers more to business intelligence in education and emphasizes analytics at institutional, regional, and international levels.
That is to say, the learning analytics reflects the data of a specific learning, whereas the academic analytics presents data analysis at an institutional level.
Although the articles that I read were very clear in explanations of these tools, however it wasn’t enough for me realize its importance both for a learner and the institutional organization. The class discussion spread light on this topic for me. We did an in hand review of the analytics and played with the possibilities that the learner and the organization may have by accessing its analytics. It turns out that once you have access it is very easy to see everything which is done in the web page. For example, in our blogs, we can easily see how many viewers we have from each country. If you have the access to a certain webpage you can see where the visitors click first, where they click next, how long they stay in that specific web page etc. This possibility is very valuable and important as you can organize your page accordingly. Meaning if you see that a certain application or room is very popular among the visitors you can bring it in the front and make it bigger. The ones that are not visited much you can put in the end etc.
So analytics plays a great role in any organization and we, as an ordinary users of the web, should be aware of this tool and use the opportunity to see the actions done in our WebPages.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Distance Education


Distance education has always interested me a lot; however I didn’t have the chance to learn more about it. After reading several articles, watching YouTube clips and having discussions in class I have more information about its possibilities, advantages and disadvantages. According to the article by Hill (2012), Distance Education can be divided into three major categories, which are: Ad Hoc, Fully online courses and Hybrid courses. Ad hoc are called the courses which are organized for a specific situation and for a specific reason. Fully online courses are those that don’t include any face-to-face meetings or classes and the whole learning process takes place online. The Hybrid one combines the best of the face-to-face and online learning, as it involves part of both. AUA has started applying this new way of learning in its’ Academic Writing courses and the results show that they are effective. In her article Cynthia White (2004) discusses some differences between traditional classrooms and Distance Learning. According to her, distance learning differs from face-to-face learning in a way that it provides the learners a totally new setting with new demands and new opportunities, where the students are the ones to make decisions for themselves compared to the traditional classrooms. If in a regular classroom the teacher physically is standing in front of the students, in Distance Learning he/she is not. The teacher cannot monitor the students work and give immediate feedback. The learners should have self-management skills to oversee the rate and direction of their learning and make their own internal adjustments to that environment (White, 2004). During our class discussion, we pointed out some more important differences and features of the DE, such as the fact that in DE the teachser act more like a trainer rather than a teacher. He/she should have IT skills and also the teacher should mediate between the administration and the students and be aware of different learning styles. We also mentioned some key attributes to Distance FL learners. We stated that the learner is more independent in DE, they should have strong time and organizational management skills and they may face the problem of maintaining internal motivation without regular face-to-face classes. This way of learning indeed has many supporters. As for me, I would prefer haveing face-to-face classes over the DE, since the external factors such as the environment in the educational organization, peer collaboration and the professors’ physical existence may motivate me more. Maybe it’s part of the personality type, or learning strategies, I am not sure… However, having an option to learn even without leaving the house is indeed interesting and in many cases can be very helpful. So, in future, if for some reason I cannot physically be present in classes which I need to take I would take the advantage of this fantastic opportunity and become a distance learner!:)

Sunday, November 18, 2012



Learning management system, which is the same as Virtual Learning Education, is a software which educational institutions use to be connected with their students, provide them with all the materials and information they need for their studies and facilitate the communication both within students and between the professors and the students. This new technological advancement has been part of my life throughout the one and a half year of my studies at the AUA, where Moodle LMS is used. This facilitates my life a lot. I don’t need to go to the library in many cases to find the materials or ask the professors to provide the materials, everything is stored there and I can access to the information anytime I need regardless the place I am.
However, this software has its shortcomings as well. The students have access to the materials and the information in the LMS only during the years of their studies in that institution. As soon as they graduate they cannot go back and look at the materials or the assignment they took.
However, there is another great tool which is of great help particularly in the case of not having access to the LMS. It is called PLE (Personal Learning environment). Stephen Downe’s YouTube clip helped me a lot to identify the differences between the LMS and PLE. PLEs include all the web based applications, softwares, web pages and folders that the individuals use to organize and manage their own learning. This stays with them during their entire life and it becomes their own possession. Individuals use many kinds of informal ways of getting information materials or they have personal folders where they keep their materials. All of these are categorized under the PLE.
I believe, the best solution for the students would be to use both LMS and PLE simultaneously. This way they will benefit from what they get from the LMS and other sources and they can still use them even after graduating.
As for me, I value what I have at this point and what the University provides me a lot, that’s why I keep my own logs and folders with all the information and materials that I believe may be helpful for me in future. I suggest others do the same, take advantage of being a student and become a lifelong learner. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Open Educational Resources

Source: OER (open educational resources) are teaching and learning materials available for everyone to use online and free. According to the article by Brown and Adler (2008), in this rapidly changing and flattening world, OER has increased the need for lifelong learning. OER provide opportunity for learners to have access to materials which they might have considered out of reach before. Nowadays people can easily access, read and use materials provided by various well known universities around the world. The same article states that one of the most essential impacts of the OER is the promotion of so called “social learning”. Social learning is described as a virtual place for different people to share their ideas and learn being engaged in social discussions and by interacting with many people. The main idea of the “social learning” is focused on how we are learning rather than on what we are learning. Many universities around the world, like Harvard law school (brown & Adler, 2008), are using second life to conduct classes, discussions, debates and lecture. Here even non students can take participation and learn. I find this really engaging and motivating. The fact that in Armenia you can be enrolled in Harvard school classes makes me feel connected, close and equal. Equal in the geographical sense, where you physical place does not matter. Even enrollment does not matter. The only thing that matters is the individual’s eagerness and willingness to learn…
 However, this great innovation is not widely spread so far. Armenians, like many other people around the world do not have the awareness of the possibilities and opportunities they have. And educational institutions as well still are not using OER to promote learning. According to the Danielyan and Alexandryan (2008), teachers should be responsible for promoting technologies and innovations in their classes, and the fact that in Armenian education OER is not that spread is partially because of the lack of willingness.
 The cultural factor here may have its role as well. Maybe we are still afraid of sharing and spreading. For centuries we have struggled for what we have and this sense of keeping and the fear of sharing has penetrated into the educational sphere as well. However education and knowledge should be spread. If we want to have a wealthy society and country we should make efforts. We should try to implement our knowledge not only for getting money but also contributing to the country’s development. And we should realize that by sharing and educating our society will result in our prosperity and growth as a country and nation.
 We had a very interesting conversation during our class which made me think about what we can do and what we do actually. The reality is that we don’t act according to our abilities… and the bad thing is that we like to blame others, saying that the leaders of the institutions may not approve our actions, moreover, we go beyond blaming the government. But how many of those “claimers” gave a try and failed. I think the answer is probably “none”. Surely it’s very difficult to change the perception of people on different areas, but one thing that I am sure in is that there is nothing impossible. We should give a try and then say that it didn’t and will not work in Armenia. Even one, two and three tries are not enough evidence for stating that it’s impossible. It’s just the degree of willingness and real desire to walk along the world using equal technologies and developments…
 We as teachers are the ones who should give a try and make efforts on changing our environment. If we raise the awareness and provide our students with up to date materials and resources, in the nearest future we will be positively surprised by our achievements. So my dear colleagues, let’s not waste time and act. Let’s believe in our abilities and strengths and use our potential to contribute in the development of our society! :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012



Mobile learning  includes the usage of devices which are available anytime and anywhere for learning purposes; for example, cell phones, iPods, iPads etc, (article by Agnes Kukulska-Hulme & Lesley Shield, )
This kind of tools are more likely to be successful as most of the people nowadays have cell phones or other mobile devices, they are light and easy to carry with you everywhere you go. So why not use them for improving our knowledge as well?
After reading the three articles, I realized how useful the small devices that we all possess can be. Particularly in Armenia, where internet access cannot be found everywhere, these tools can be of great help, as some assignment or some options and possibilities that they have don’t require internet connection.
Research suggests that MALL has excellent potential for providing students with rich, real time, collaborative and conversational experiences both in and outside the classroom (article by Yu-Ju Lan,Yao-Ting Sung, Kuo-En Chang). According to Agnes Kukulska-Hulme & Lesley Shield article, MALL can be practiced both for synchronous and asynchronous learning situations. Meaning that the students do not need to be in the same place on the same time to do the assignment they can also complete them whenever they want, surely before the deadline…J  
The more important thing is that with the help of these small tools, learners can enhance also their listening and speaking skills, which, in my mind, are the most difficult ones. The students can listen to the podcasts whenever they want. These tools can be used to record themselves and others by interviewing them. They can shoot pictures and then reflect on them, they can record anything they want. They can take notes and then come to the class and ask questions based on their notes. These tools can be used very creatively and we know that creative assignment always engage students and they become more willing to make efforts on completing the assignments well.
Another noteworthy fact is that it is not necessary to have a “cool” cell phone. The teacher s may think of assignments which are feasible to complete with simple and ordinary phones as well.
I believe, we have to take advantage of what we have, and use whatever we possess effectively. We have to think about more creative ways of organizing our lessons so as to engage our students and motivate them to greater efforts. I am sure, these tools give us opportunities to do so. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Second Life...


I was familiar with the SL games since my childhood. They were very interesting but I was not among the kids who were addicted to these games and it indeed became their second lives.
When I heard from my professor that SL can be applied in an EFL and gerenally in any class, I was impressed. I thought “what an interesting and creative way to organize classes”.  As Cynthia M Calongne mentions in her article with SL you can organize a lesson in a beach or in a forest. Another advantage of a SL can be the fact that SL games are a “mix of media-rich course materials”. The students that have missed a class can go back and learn the content they missed. Exams are places where the students have to give solutions to problems. (
However, in spite of all the above mentioned advantages, I don’t think they can be used in an Amrneian EFL classroom successfully. Firstly, this not  a very safe space( When teacher assigns homework he/she should be sure that the content is appropriate to the students’ age and is safe. In the SL it is not safe in a way that the students can go beyond the assigned material and see different avatars doing inappropriate things. Secondly, I don’t like this second life thing at all. If we have our existing life, why do we need to go beyond and find a second life. Yes, I agree, sometime it is very fun to imagine that you are a different person, living in a totally different place, however I think that this may make our students to be afraid of the obstacles they meet in their own lives. I mean they may think “if you don’t like your real life make a second life!”.  But I don’t think this is a good idea. We have to make our students to be creative in a way, were they have to think about solutions to the life that they have. In our real life situations, we can make our classes fun and creative why should we think about making a fool life and engaging our students to pretend as if they are different people.  Technology is providing us different interesting tools which can be applied in the classroom without forgetting our real lives, were we can connect and reflect on our real lives (Like blogging for example). I like those tools more…
These SL games are fun games; the students will probably play them even without our assignments, so I don’t think that exposing them to these games even in the classroom is a good idea. Eventually they will live only in their second lives forgetting about their real ones…

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Computer and Video games

Nowadays Video and computer games are widely spread all over the world. These games can be divided into two major categories; serious games and commercial games. I believe that educational games can be very useful and effective tools to learn a foreign language and other subjects as well. They are interesting, fun and very motivating. Most of them include problem solving feature and this, of course, makes the player play more and more in order to solve the problems, and as they play, they will obtain the new vocabulary or the grammar point even without noticing, as it includes repetition, visuals and this makes them easy to remember. However, internet nowadays contains not only educational games but other games as well, which, according to a research study promote violence in young learners.
Though Dr. Christopher Ferguson, a psychology professor at Texas A&M International University argues, saying that these observations don't prove the cause and effect, and that media violence doesn't correlate with real-world violence, others believe that they do correlate. I agree that some games can be seen as a virtual rehearsal for later implementation in the real-world situations, however there is no distinct evidence which proves this for 100%. According to the article '' Violent video games and young learners'' while conducting a research it is very important to take into consideration different thing: like the personality of the students, the situation and the motivation.
However Mark Prensky points out that video games are
effective. Our young generation differs from the older generation in different ways. One of the reasons can be considered the use digital media. Young learners, according to Mark Prensky multi-task better, they are able to discover rules and patters on their own. He indicates that young learners are able to think inductively rather than deductively, they are considered as active learners, who are able to perceive activities as play rather than as a work.

I agree with the points made my Mark Prensky, and taking into consideration all of this, we as English language teachers, should try to be more aware about the games and the opportunities that they may provide and integrate them in our lessons as much as it is possible. This way learning for our learners will be more fun, effective and we we'll see the results in the nearest future…

Sources of the pictures:

Monday, October 8, 2012


Wow, I see myself technologically developing very quickly since this course started, I can predict and guess how developed I will be in the end of this course!
At first I got acquainted with blogs and RSS feeds. Then I discovered the efficiency of podcasts and made one by myself. Then, I explored the wikis and soon created mine. Tried Google docs and discovered twitter…. Finally, I learnt about digital story telling and video production and tried them out by myself!!!
The idea of digital story telling is that students generate a story by using a camera and shooting pictures. It is really very fun!!! If that was fun for me I am sure it will be more fun for the kids and the students!!! It will be very motivating for the students as they will see that they are doing something meaningful, not only for the instructor but for a bigger audience. The most interesting and fun part is that nowadays computers provide variety of opportunities of creating and designing them the way you want.
Video production  is again a kind of a story telling, but here the students generate a video, they should create a footage then they have to work on it, edit it, cut unnecessary parts, add music etc.
This cool tools can be used for teaching purposes for sure. For example, in a class the teacher may give the students a topic and ask them to create a story but the most important part is that they have to use the target language… either in the written or spoken forms. The video that my group members and I have created was a tutorial. I strongly agree with my instructor that creating tutorials may be considered as the best way of using video production for teaching and learning purposes. This requires a lot of speaking, the speech should be clear in order to be understandable and very detailed.
I believe, this kind of assignments are more appropriate for the students with Intermediate and higher levels and, to my mind, for students who are 10 years old and more.
Looking forward to learning new interesting things and sharing!!!:)J

Monday, September 24, 2012

Wikis and Google doc

The more I learn about technological tools the more I get surprised and more interested in the opportunities that nowadays teachers have. Wikis and Google docs are other interesting tools which can be very helpful and useful in an EFL classroom. They provide a free space where everyone can access and add things, edit them. The only thing you need to have is a computer and an internet connection. What I like the most about them is that the teacher can monitor the student’s work. There is a place where the teacher can see the revisions, so he/she can be sure whether everyone has added things or not. However, wiki has a drawback…. It doesn’t let multiple users to add things simultaneously, so it is better to assign wiki activities as a part of their homework not as an inclass activity. 
To my opinion Google doc  is more users friendly.  It’s easier to set up and it provides opportunity for multiple users to work on it at the same time. Here as well the teacher can see the students’ revisions  but they have to access with their Google accounts so that the teacher can see the names…
The only thing that is a drawback for Google docs is that in wikis the teacher can create a page, the way she/he likes and design It the way she/he likes, use it for many times, whereas Google doc is just a page, just a place for a certain activity….
These two tools can be very helpful in developing the student’s writing skills why not creative thinking and enhance group work among the students. Hopefully these tools will become part of my EFL classes in the nearest future. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Yes, technology is developing in a very fast speed. Besides blogs and RSS feeds I have learnt about not less interesting technological advancements-podcasts. To my opinion podcast is a great technological achievement which can be very helpful for educational purposes. Podcasts provide variety of talks about anything you are interested in. The students may listen to the podcasts outside the classroom. If years ago finding authentic materials was difficult, now the only thing you need to have is a device, even the cellphones now provide that opportunity. The students may listen to the podcasts on the go, in transportation at home when having rest, while doing exercises etc. I myself have subscribed to different podcasts which interest me and I have started listening to them systematically. This way I am aware of new developments or achievements of the sphere that I am interested in and also I am developing my listening skills more and more... So why not try this at a classroom as well? I believe the students will love it. Particularly they will love it if the teacher won't choose the podcasts for themselves, if they will have the opportunity of choosing whatever they like the most.
Another attractive thing about podcasts is that it appears that creating a podcast is not a great deal. If the teacher shows the necessary steps for the first time, the next time the students won't have problems creating their own podcasts.
The article that I read about using podcasts in classroom suggested different activities which the teachers may use in their classrooms. I really liked them. Unfortunately I wasn't able to try them out in my classroom, and I think I won't be able to do that in the nearest future, as the place were I am going to teach doesn't have access to the internet and computers.I truly believe, that this kind of technological tools should be used in teaching if there is the access to the internet and computers, as the teacher should show them how to do it for the first time and also I think it may be useful to use them in class as well..
Hopefuly in future I will have those opportunities and I will use these tools in my classes as well!:)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Technology, technology...

In my previews blog I wrote about the changes that  technological advancements have brought and today I am going to talk particularly about two things- weblogs and RSS.
Nowadays most of the people have their own blogs. In blogs people share their ideas thought, whatever they find interesting. It is kind of a journal. Blogs can be used for different purposes and for teaching and learning purpose as well. As we know, kids get more motivated when they create their own web pages and design it the way they like. So why don’t we ask them to create blogs for learning purpose? This will be both fun and useful for them.
 It is useful because blogging has many advantages. First of all blogs give us the potential to help our kids to become network creators.  Blogging is not only intensive writing but also intensive reading, as you have to read a lot of things so as to know what to write about. Another advantage of a blog is that students will be more motivated to write for a real audience. Also, when the students will write something for a bigger audience it is more likely that they will be more cautious not to make mistakes and write correctly. Also, blogs may foster communication between the kids which will make studying fun for them. I think this a great tool which teachers should use in their classes.
Another interesting finding for me was RSS (Real Simple Syndication). With the help of RSS you can connect to other’s blogs without clicking on their blogs separately. Like you connect to a blog and get the new things the time they are published. It’s kind of a mailbox where you receive the new staff that you are interested in. this is a very helpful tool for us, students and teachers as well. Whenever we want to write about something we can subscribe to a blog which is about it and get the new staff without searching for it… RSS feeds may be very useful in classrooms as well. If a teacher uses blogs in his/her lessons, instead of going to his/her student’s blogs one by one, he/she can subscribe to their blogs and get all the new posts in one place.
I believe these tools may be very useful and helpful in the process of teaching and learning. I’ll use blogging in my classes for sure, but as for now, I don’t think that I am ready to present it to my students. In order to present something to students who have to be very proficient in it, unfortunately I am not that proficient in blogging yet. There are many dark sides where I have to spread light. Hopefully my exploration of blogging will be successful and I will be able to use them in my classes in future properly. 

"The world is flat..."

Hello everybody! Welcome back to my blog…
Today I am going to write about something which interested me a lot. When you read the title of my post you may be surprised as much as I was surprised when heard that expression from my instructor. However after doing some listening I agree that "The world is flat". This idea belongs to Thomas Friedman who has written a book with the same title. 
In the speech that I listened to Thomas Friedman presented how the technological advancements have influenced our lifestyle and what major changes we have faced even without understanding that we were involved in that process…. He talked about three different areas of globalization. The first one he called globalization 1.0 which took place between 1492 and 1800. This is the beginning of global arbitrage when the world shrunk from size big to size medium.  The second area of globalization started from 1800s and lasted till 2000. This time the world changed from size medium to size small. This was not about the globalizing countries but about the companies and he called this period “globalization 2.0”.Finally,  starting from 2000 we entered the globalization 3.0. This time the world transformed from size small to a tiny. Globalization 3.0 is about the ability of individuals and small groups rather than the countries or the companies. This revolution resulted in flattening the world. Thomas Friedman talks about ten huge flatteners, which are; Berlin wall, the Netscape that gave us the internet, workflow,  outsourcing,  open source, in-sourcing,. off-shoring,. fiber-optic(uses light), supply-chain and in-forming (Google). These flatteners are about new ways of communication and collaboration. People all around the world got connected to each other regardless the place they live. Employees of one company can live in totally different parts of the globe. These changes had their impact on the way people now live in the world and they have also changed the perception about the world. Yes the world is flat now…
In order to catch up with these advancements you have to be very attentive. But the interesting part is that the new generation is catching up with these changes easily. The videos that I watched were the proof of my words. They were about 5 different kids who were very advanced in technology. The idea which I liked the most was that “all the kids have thinking skills and problem solving skills. And when you provide the kid with the tools it is very likely to be surprised by what he/she may be able to do with it in the nearest future”. The surprising fact about the kids was that they were teaching their teachers, that is to say technology has reversed their roles. The teachers were asking the students to stay after classes and help them. They were helping not only their teachers but also their parents, neighbors and everybody who needed some help in technology… yes, technology have changed the way we live...
 After listening to these stories I got a little bit disappointed. I started to think that I have missed something. These kids were younger than me but much more proficient in technology than I am. And I, as a person belonging to the 21st century do not have right not to know all of these things. …. As a TEFL students and a future teacher I have to be very attentive to new developments so as to teach the students rather than to be taught.  This doesn’t mean that if my students would come to me and show something new and explain the way it works will be shameful for me, no, but I do believe that teachers should “update” themselves frequently, not stick to one technique of teaching. Teachers have to teach the students literacy so as they can interpret things correctly. Armenian teachers particularly should do their best to benefit from the opportunities that internet is providing. In many cities, villages not all of the people have access to computers, so the teachers should do their best to be able to use technology as much as it is possible. Explain and present new technological developments and use them during their classes.
So, my dear colleagues, be awake and prepared as we are living in a totally new world- in a flat world.