Saturday, September 15, 2012


Yes, technology is developing in a very fast speed. Besides blogs and RSS feeds I have learnt about not less interesting technological advancements-podcasts. To my opinion podcast is a great technological achievement which can be very helpful for educational purposes. Podcasts provide variety of talks about anything you are interested in. The students may listen to the podcasts outside the classroom. If years ago finding authentic materials was difficult, now the only thing you need to have is a device, even the cellphones now provide that opportunity. The students may listen to the podcasts on the go, in transportation at home when having rest, while doing exercises etc. I myself have subscribed to different podcasts which interest me and I have started listening to them systematically. This way I am aware of new developments or achievements of the sphere that I am interested in and also I am developing my listening skills more and more... So why not try this at a classroom as well? I believe the students will love it. Particularly they will love it if the teacher won't choose the podcasts for themselves, if they will have the opportunity of choosing whatever they like the most.
Another attractive thing about podcasts is that it appears that creating a podcast is not a great deal. If the teacher shows the necessary steps for the first time, the next time the students won't have problems creating their own podcasts.
The article that I read about using podcasts in classroom suggested different activities which the teachers may use in their classrooms. I really liked them. Unfortunately I wasn't able to try them out in my classroom, and I think I won't be able to do that in the nearest future, as the place were I am going to teach doesn't have access to the internet and computers.I truly believe, that this kind of technological tools should be used in teaching if there is the access to the internet and computers, as the teacher should show them how to do it for the first time and also I think it may be useful to use them in class as well..
Hopefuly in future I will have those opportunities and I will use these tools in my classes as well!:)

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